Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection

At PHD Car Rent, safeguarding your privacy is our top priority. We are committed to taking appropriate measures to protect all personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your name, address, telephone number, and travel details.

Usage Transparency

We adhere to stringent measures when collecting and utilizing your personal information. We inform users about the data collection process and its intended use, and respect your desire for privacy, providing you with the option to withhold certain information. However, note that this may limit access to specific offers and services that rely on the provision of such information.

Data Sharing

We do not share personally identifiable information obtained from registration forms with third parties unless explicit consent is given by the customer, except in legal proceedings.

Protective Measures

We take necessary steps to ensure the protection of your personal information, contingent upon your adherence to the stipulated terms and conditions. Utilizing advanced security measures and technology, PHD Car Rent guarantees the protection of your personally identifiable information against unauthorized access.

Continuous Security Enhancement

Our commitment extends to the ongoing enhancement of security procedures to elevate your overall user experience. Any modifications or updates to our privacy policy will be promptly communicated to our valued customers through this webpage.

Inquiries and Clarifications

For any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us. Your privacy and satisfaction are of utmost importance to us.